Together, Let’s
Take a Stand

Help us spread the anti-bullying message by downloading & distributing ‘Sudah Dong Anti-Bullying Guide Book’ which you can access and download on our website for free.

Booklet #RealTalk

In collaboration with Instagram, Sudah Dong launched the #RealTalk booklet, which is designed as a source of information to help you understand how to use social media, especially Instagram, more positively and wisely, and free from all forms of cyberbullying. Through the #RealTalk booklet, we want to create a more positive online and offline environment so you can feel safer and more comfortable to be yourself and express yourself.

Panduan Bebas
Cyber Bully

Through this guide book, Sudah Dong & TikTok are committed to creating an internet culture that is creative and free from cyberbullying. Come on, let's end cyberbullying together! #SamaSamaSamaSamaSamaSamaNyaman


‘Sudah Dong Anti-Bullying Guide
Book’ has successfully been
distributed across Indonesia.
